Europe needs a new Definition

Brexit, new nationalisms and the climate uprising of youth were the focus of the European tolerance talks on Thursday afternoon. It became generally clear that the UK’s exit from the EU, the strengthening of European rights and the growing social and environmental problems need to redefine the continent. It was also agreed that creation myths and the right narratives are crucial for the future of Europe, and that creativity and art make an important contribution to this.

“Without creation myths we would not exist, they serve as a handle in our lives, we can find our role and mission in this world,” said the Protestant pastor Lydia Burchhardt. It would be no problem if the creation myths are often contradictory. For peaceful coexistence, it is important to allow foreign narratives and points of view.

The literary scholar Rüdiger Görner called the Brexit as an example of a creation myth that is out of control. “It conveys a long outdated picture of Britain, which pretends to be sovereign and superior to the rest of Europe, but ironically it also creates a lot of fear of being overrun by foreign powers – an irrational invasion phobia,” said Görner. More for discussion on pressetext.

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