Tag Archives: Literature

Tolerance Award 2020 for Erna Pfeiffer

Latin America translator Erna Pfeiffer (67) was awarded the European Tolerance Prize 2020 for Democracy and Human Rights by the Austrian PEN Club and the city of Villach on Thursday evening in Fresach. In her texts and translations, the author manages to break through seemingly insurmountable language barriers so that a dialogue can arise, the
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British don’t understand Europa

The German-British literary scholar Rüdiger Görner, one of the star guests of this year’s European tolerance talks in Fresach, will speak about the difficult relationship of the British to the European continent and in particular to the European Union. In an interview with the news agency pressetext, the sympathetic literary connoisseur let us see what’s
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PEN celebrates 70 years of re-establishment

Within the framework of the European Tolerance Talks 2017 PEN Club Austria celebrated the 70th anniversary of its re-establishment with a reading and a “long night of literature” in the Carinthian mountain village of Fresach. PEN President Helmuth A. Niederle and Vice President Kurt F. Svatek therefor asked for the issuance of 20 Nansen passports
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The Lion of Cameroon in Fresach

Three years he sat in prison, just because he had dared to compete against President Paul Biya who is in power since 1982. Since May, he is now on the loose. The weekend he was in Austria to fulminate against the corrupt political caste in his country Cameroon. When asked whether he will rise despite
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