MEPs support European Tolerance Talks

Austrian MEPs Eugen Freund (S&D) and Othmar Karas (EPP) are fully behind the European Tolerance Talks, to be held from 21 to 23 May 2015 in the Carinthian mountain village of Fresach. In a joint press conference with Governor Peter Kaiser of Carinthia and Fresach-Organizer Wilfried Seywald the two MEPs stated that the new forum for dialogue on tolerance and integration is an important initiative for Europe and the Alps-Adriatic region.

For Eugen Freund, tolerance is “the core issue” of our society, he stressed. “In particular the conflicts of the present – in the Middle East, but also in the Ukraine – clearly show that the lack of tolerance is almost always the starting point for armed conflicts. In this context, in times of globalization and individualization the importance of tolerance will become more important. Without accepting or even tolerating conflicting beliefs the concept of Western democracy cannot function.

Otmar Karas said: “The way society deals with otherness, other cultures and diversity is one of the great challenges of the 21st century, both in Europe and globally. Of course, in a shrinking world, the interdependence is getting bigger. The often lived side by side must therefore be replaced by honest relationships. Respect, tolerance and the acceptance of differences lead to understanding and increase the willingness on mutual respect.

Carinthian Governor Peter Kaiser noted that the European Union was founded as a great peace project. Europe aims that people get to know each other and work together as their countries and regions and so move closer and closer. According to Kaiser it is essential in this sense that especially difficult issues are to be addressed openly and objectively discussed widely. “The European tolerance talks just want to provide exactly such a forum and invite into the Think.Tank.Fresach.”

Fresach-spokesman Wilfried Seywald recalled the historical importance of the mountain village Fresach for the fight of the Protestant Church for recognition and equality. Following the successful National Exhibition 2011 on the issue “500 Years Protestantism in Carinthia” it is now time for this historic site to become a center of tolerance for Europe. Freedom of speech and open discourse are fundamental to the European system of values, he said.

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