The End of Tourism as we know it

“Zero tolerance – how networking and globalization shift claims and realities” or “The End of Tourism as we know it. Why we need to think the future anew” is the topic of a keynote speech by the Hamburg trend expert and futurologist Birgit Gebhardt at the opening of the tourism forum on 16 May at 2 p.m. (Hotel Holiday Inn Villach).

The impetus will show how expectations (on the part of tourists) are increasing through visual, social and AR media, and that tourism hotspots have to change their strategic direction as a result of global mass tourism. Gebhardt will start with current examples and measures (for example Amsterdam, Venice) and expand the trends against the background of further trend developments to future concepts.

On the one hand there will be digital and extended possibilities of interaction and personal involvement, leading to new hybrid and extreme forms of tourism (eg travel + work / + learning, / + change, + marginal experience, + …). On the other hand, Gebhardt will outline the consequences for urban planning, marketing and the development of retail and leisure facilities, which must deal with the masses and therefore also address the inclusion of robotics and intelligent networking. The organizing team is looking forward to the exciting opening speech of the sympathetic Hamburg citizen. (ws)

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