Turning Point – Reorganization of Europe

Climate change, the corona pandemic and now the Russian aggression war towards Ukraine have taught us with all severity: The world is in upheaval, and CHANGE is mostly the result of external constraints. This raises the question of how complex systems work and how new things can be established. This is exactly what the European Tolerance Talks 2022 deal with, the program will be presented on March 9th in Vienna.

DATE: Wednesday, March 9, 2022, 6:30 p.m
Topic: Turning Point – The Reorganization of Europe
Location: Oberbank Schwarzenbergplatz 5, 1030 Vienna
The management consultant Maria Pruckner provides an insight into the most important science for complex systems, cybernetics. Pruckner is a longtime student of cybernetics co-founder Heinz von Foerster, one of the great philosophers of the 20th century. The intimate connoisseur and experienced user of cybernetics provides answers about the inner workings of and effective management in complex systems.
Afterwards, the psychologist Margarethe Prinz-Büchl, Ukraine expert and crisis management consultant Cornelius Granig and the President of the Board of the European Tolerance Talks, Hannes Swoboda, will discuss with journalist Claus Reitan the political and economic opportunities to manage the system change. The program presentation can also be followed on YouTube and Facebook.
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