Feedback to the European Tolerance Talks

Even though I wasn’t there in person, you made it possible for me to follow this year’s tolerance talks. And I want to congratulate you all on your choice of topic and its implementation in lectures, workshops and discussions. You have hit a nerve. Truth and reality are the decisive issues of our time, because only trust in the truthfulness of discussion partners and information creates trust. And trust is the prerequisite for successful coexistence in a reality that is understood and experienced as shared – bravo! With thanks for keeping me up to date and best wishes, your Nikolaus Schneider, former Chairman of the Council of the Evangelical Church in Germany

Now that I have arrived back in Münster, I wanted to thank you: Thank you very much for the invitation, the hospitality on site, the wonderful event and the opportunity for lasting encounters! Ahmad Milad Karimi, Islamic scholar

I like the atmosphere in Fresach, it’s uncomplicated and because the format is medium, the people who are really or supposedly important and the audience can talk to each other without having to overcome great distances. Wolfgang Müller-Funk, cultural scientist.

The tolerance talks were a celebration of discussions and suggestions. I drove home enriched and happy and couldn’t even be shaken by the fact that the train stood around halfway in the middle of nowhere because of track damage. Robert Menasse, author

Dear organization, now you have made it. I admire your commitment and that of the whole team. Impressive. Thank you and happy Pentecost. Hans-Georg Häusel, Munic

Please express my personal thanks to the photographer: I believe these are the best and, above all, most authentic photos that have ever been taken of me. Good job. Greetings to all, Georg Michalik, CoCreative

I am very happy that I was allowed to be there. You are doing a wonderful job.
Best regards, Seyran Ateş, founder of the mosque

Returning from Fresach, I feel a great need to say to you and all those responsible for the “tolerance talks” … my very emphatic thanks and my heartfelt congratulations for such a successful event … and my joy at the “Fresach experience” to pass on … Together with the special atmosphere of the place and the support of so many well-meaning people, these were spirited and unexpectedly warm days that I will not forget. Prof. Heinz Nussbaumer, Vienna

Thank you for the warm welcome, it was one of the most beautiful events in recent years. Peter Brabeck-Letmathe, President Emeritus Nestlé and Co-Chairman of the World Economic Forum Davos

It was very stimulating and I made new friends.
Roger de Weck, publisher

In my view, the event was very successful. I have not regretted to come the long way. The tolerance talks gave me many new impressions and suggestions. Prof. Dr. Sabine Riedel, University of Berlin and Magdeburg

I have not been received so heartily for a long time. The scope and number of participants of the event was ideal. I find the civil dialogue wonderful. I will promote the Tolerance Talks within my framework and would like to be there again.
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Müller-Funk, University of Vienna

Congratulations on the great success of the European Tolerance Discussions 2018. On behalf of the students and also on my own, I would like to thank you for offering our schools this year the opportunity to treat important topics more intensively and to experience outstanding speakers allowed. Mag. Gerlinde Duller, Landesschulrat Kärnten

I was deeply impressed not only by the organization and the selection of competent speakers, but also by the discussions, in which constructively overly controversial points of view were exchanged. As a speaker, I was able to take home so many suggestions. Gerhard Schweizer, author and orientalist

Thank you for three days of intellectual fireworks. The topics literally flew us around the ears!
Jutta Clarke, Viktor Frankl Institute

It was as always the years before a very pleasant day with perfect care. Happy to see you again next year.
Peter Fritz, ORF Brussels

Thank you for the invitation, the smooth organization and the professional coverage. I hope that the Tourism Forum will be an integral part of the Tolerance Talks in the future. Keep it up! Kerstin Dohnal, Destination: Management Vienna

Excellent lectures this afternoon at the Holiday Inn! You can do a lot with this and continue.
Pastor Jürgen Öllinger

Carinthian Human Rights Award 2017

“I would like to congratulate you and your entire team for the award!”
Mag. Rainer Eggarter, Association for the Blind and Visually Impaired Styria (BSVSt)

“A wonderful award.”
Mike / Gerhard,

“I congratulate you with all my heart.”
Ulrike Bernhard M.A. Paternion

“Congratulations to this appreciation.”
Prof. Werner Wintersteiner, Peace Institute Klagenfurt

International Feeback to the European Tolerance Talks

After my delayed return to Berlin I may thank you again for my invitation to the European tolerance talks. This day I will keep surely long be remembered as a document that with the involvement of a few people great things can be put into operation. I cordially congratulate you that you had this great idea promoted so that therefore a sustainable institution has become feasible. The many conversations and reactions that I experienced on my remarks in Fresach let me hope that you and all the other responsibles for this event also charge it as a contribution to profiling these talks.
Prof. Dr. Klaus Töpfer, Former Under Secretary General United Nations

Back home in Linz safely, I want to congratulate you and all the organizers of the European tolerance talks and thank you sincerely. There were very nice two days in a very dignified environment with very interesting people, many of whom were new to me. These new acquaintances and discussions will bear fruit, I am sure.
o.Univ.Prof.Mag.Dr. DDr.h.c. Niyazi Serdar Sariciftci,
FRSC Professor (Chair) Professor for Physical Chemistry Director of the Institute for Physical Chemistry Director of Linz Institute for Organic Solar Cells (LIOS)

I wanted to thank you for your dedication and efforts. You did it to organize a very nice, comprehensive and serene event. One can only congratulate you. I enjoyed your event and Fresach. Peter Huber, WIFO

Thank you for the very good tolerance talks in Fresach.
Lev Detela, author

Thank you for the invitation to the European tolerance talks! I congratulate you on your initiative. You are a wonderful group. Hans Stoisser, Africa expert

For us, my wife and me, the event was very enriching. Also, the Poetry Slam was a great finish.
Otmar Lahodynsky, profil Magazine

It was a perfect and warmly designed conference! I was very glad to have been there.
Herbert Ritsch, Schellhamer & Schattera Bank

I have taken many wonderful impressions I share here with my colleagues and will continue to discuss. I am impressed by your work and commitment, from the Tolerance Centre and the Museum. I had so many good conversations and felt very welcome and involved. Dr. Denise Quistorp, Austrian Ministry for European and International Affairs

On behalf of Stephen Bradberry thank you very much for the great event. We were delighted by the enthusiasm and the loving and warm design and supervision. Petra Matschkur, Robert F. Kennedy Foundation of Human Rights, Zurich

That was a great event, I was happy to be here. Bernhard Perchinig, International Centre for Migration Policy Development ICMPD

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