2018: Doğan Akhanlı
Deeply humanistic Literature

The Turkish-German writer received the European Tolerance Prize for Democracy and Human Rights 2018 for his humanistic attitude, his candid handling of historical acts of violence and his unabashedly detailed writing. Report



2019: Sonja Boumad
Intercultural Understanding

The Lebanese author, who lives in Austria, is a role model for many authors in exile through her writing and her personal fate, but also through her tireless actions with humility and love despite the experience of war and displacement. Report.


2020: Erna Pfeiffer
Overcoming Language Barriers

In her texts and translations, the Austrian specialist in Latin American literature manages to break down seemingly insurmountable language barriers so that a dialogue can develop. Full rationale literarly.


2021: Heinz Nußbaumer
Pilgrim in a Sea of excited Voices

Through his work and in his bestseller “The Monk of Athos”, the Viennese journalist and longtime presidential advisor has described the path to the thought temple of insight in which all people of good will find a home. Report


2022: Sieglinde Rosenberger
Passion for Democracy education

For the political scientist, the struggle for fundamental rights and freedoms is a prerequisite for persistent democracy and human rights. She has motivated and mobilized generations of students to do this. Pressetext.


2023: Michael Bünker for the
Good Fight of Faith

As a moral authority with a high level of social commitment, the former bishop of the Evangelical Church in Austria has always advocated for dialogue, democracy and human rights. His voice still carries weight. Pressetext.


Der Europäische Toleranzpreis 2024 der Stadt Villach für Demokratie und Menschenrechte wurde in Fresach an die tschechische Autorin Radka Denemarková verliehen. Den Toleranzpreis für sein politisches Lebenswerk erhielt Kuratoriumspräsident Hannes Swoboda. 2024: Radka Denemarková
Engagement for Truth

Like no other political writer, she knows how to weave a wide variety of characters and anecdotes into an imaginative literary tapestry. Her uncompromising commitment to the truth is encouraging. Pressetext


Der Europäische Toleranzpreis 2024 der Stadt Villach für Demokratie und Menschenrechte wurde in Fresach an die tschechische Autorin Radka Denemarková verliehen. Den Toleranzpreis für sein politisches Lebenswerk erhielt Kuratoriumspräsident Hannes Swoboda. 2024: Hannes Swoboda
Political life’s work

The European politician has earned respect and recognition for his social commitment across ideological boundaries. He built bridges with his political and cultural commitment and encouraged many people to think and act in a European way. Pressetext

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