Poetry Slam 2024 in Fresach

(2024-05-17 18:30) At the end of the European Tolerance Talks 2024 guests, participants and speakers met in the Fresach Museum for the traditional poetry slam of young writers under the motto “True Lies”. An audience vote was used to determine the best contributions, which will also be included in the event’s reading book. The moderation was provided by Lukas Hofbauer from the association Slam! If you can. fotodienst.at


Economic Forum 2024

(2024-05-17 09:00) The economic forum of the European Tolerance Talks 2024 opened with a high-profile discussion between management consultant Michael Paul and risk researcher Gerd Gigerenzer and continued with a three-way round with business trustee Alfred Brogyanyi and EU professional Hatto Käfer. In the afternoon, “The Truth of Digitization Machines” with computer science philosopher Peter Reichl was on the program. fotodienst.at


Tolerance Awards 2024

(2024-05-16 18:30) The tolerance prizes were awarded on Thursday evening in the Museum Fresach. Czech author Radka Denemarková received the European Tolerance Prize for Democracy and Human Rights from the city of Villach and the Denk.Raum.Fresach association for her commitment to the truth. The European politician Hannes Swoboda was honored for his political life’s work. fotodienst.at


European Forum 2024

(2024-05-16 09:00) The European Tolerance Talks 2024 opened on Thursday in the Carinthian mountain village of Fresach with speeches by Evelyn Bubich and Falter chief editor Armin Thurnher. The focus of the three-day discussions is the question of “Truth – What is real?” Especially in the run-up to elections, and especially the European elections, it is clear that disinformation and manipulation of news via social media and thus uncertainty and polarization are increasing. fotodienst.at

Ethics Forum 2024

(2024-05-15 18:00)  On the eve of the European Tolerance Talks 2024, ORF presenter Renata Schmidtkunz invited Czech author Radka Denemarková to a conversation about Europe and its enemies (Hours of Truth). Following the ethics forum, Villach’s mayor Günther Albel and state parliament president Reinhart Rohr held a reception in the city’s Bamberg Hall for the present speakers, guests and participants. fotodienst.at


European State Prize Gala 2024

(2024-05-07 15:00) Federal Minister Karoline Edtstadler (ÖVP) awarded the 2024 European State Prizes on Tuesday as part of a European State Prize gala in Vienna. Among the winners were prize winners from Vorarlberg (Museumsverein Klostertal), Carinthia (European Tolerance Talks Fresach), Vienna (Maria Regina International) as well as the Rural Youth Austria and the EU quiz tour. fotodienst.at


Fresach nominated for State Prize

(2024-04-30 11:00) In the run-up to the award event, the organizing team of the tolerance talks – Denk.Raum.Fresach chairman Superintendent Manfred Sauer, mayor Gerhard Altziebler, program manager Wilfried Seywald and museum director Doris Weinelt – invited interested citizens, journalists and media representatives to a presentation in the Fresach Museum Quarter to explain the background and goals of the tolerance talks. fotodienst.at

Press conference in Villach

(2024-02-22 11:00)  The search for truth can be seen as the goal of all philosophy. And even if it is assumed that the truth should correspond as closely as possible to reality, this is often not (any longer) the case. The press conference to introduce the 2024 Tolerance Talks on February 22nd in Villach provided an outlook on the search for truth in times of digitalization and artificial intelligence. fotodienst.at


Europen forum for finding the Truth in Vienna

(2024-02-15 18:30)  Regardless of whether it is right-wing conspiracy theories or left-wing climate end-time predictions, hybrid troll factories or AI-controlled disinformation campaigns, democracy is in danger and Europe is more insecure than ever before. Wars and crises dominate the discussion, the media fuels the hysteria. On the occasion of the 10th European Tolerance Talks in the Carinthian mountain village of Fresach, Club Carinthia invited people to Oberbank Vienna to discuss the intentions and mechanisms behind the scenes, the topic “Truth – What is real?” fotodienst.at

Poetry Slam to end the Tolerance Talks 2023

(2023-05-26 18:30)  Post-growth economics – shrinking instead of growing? “Brave new world” or “back to nature” or the “old lyre” again? What does the literature say about growth? At the end of the European Tolerance Talks 2023, eight poets presented themselves to the critical audience jury at the Poetry Slam. fotodienst.at


Economic forum of Tolerance Talks in Fresach

(2023-05-26 11:00) The economic forum of the European Tolerance Talks began on Friday in the Carinthian mountain village of Fresach with an analysis of the perpetual revolution of capitalism with the historian Werner Plumpe. This was followed by discussions on the “Green Deal” with the Munich investor Hans Albrecht, on the parameters for healthy growth with Prof. Georg Brasseur and a conversation on the topic of “Rethinking Growth” with Ruth Seliger. fotodienst.at

European Tolerance Prize 2023 for former Bishop Michael Bünker

(2023-05-25 18:30)  The long-standing bishop of the Evangelical Church in Austria, Michael Bünker, was awarded the European Tolerance Prize 2023 for democracy and human rights from the city of Villach on Thursday evening in the Carinthian mountain village of Fresach. As a moral authority with a high level of social commitment, Bünker has always advocated for dialogue, democracy and human rights, according to the jury. His voice still has the same weight. fotodienst.at

European forum of Tolerance Talks 2023

(2023-05-25 09:00) The European Tolerance Talks 2023 opened on Thursday in the Carinthian mountain village of Fresach with a speech by the writer Marlene Streeruwitz. This was followed by discussions about the concept of growth and alternative perspectives for a future ecologically acceptable economy. In three European Forum panels, competent experts discussed the questions “Planet plundered – Ready for change?” “Growth today and growth tomorrow: In search of new narratives …” fotodienst.at

Ethics forum to open the Tolerance Talks 2023 in Villach

(2023-05-24 18:30)  The European Tolerance Talks opened on Wednesday evening in the packed Bamberg Hall with a discussion on the topic of growth in the area of tension between evolution and belief in progress. The former council chairman of the Evangelical Church in Germany (EDK), Niikolaus Schneider, answered questions from ORF editor Renata Schmidtkunz. fotodienst.at

Presentation of European Tolerance Talks 2023 in Klagenfurt

(2023-02-28 11:00)  As part of a live streaming press conference in the Hall of Mirrors of the Carinthian state government, Denk.Raum.Fresach presented the program of the European Tolerance Talks from May 24th to 27th, 2023. There were representatives from the Carinthian state parliament, the city of Villach, the Carinthian Writers’ Association (KSV), Diakonie de La Tour, Carinthia University of Applied Sciences, as well as Club Carinthia and the Carinthian Industrial Association. fotodienst.at

European forum Vienna to the concept of growth

(2023-02-21 18:30)  Climate change, war and pandemics – the diverse crises have made us think and, in some cases, even worry. 50 years after the Club of Rome report “The Limits to Growth” we are still confronted with the negative effects of uncompromising growth. The European Tolerance Talks 2023 are dedicated to this hot topic, but how is growth actually defined? There were some answers in the European forum of the Club Carinthia in the Oberbank Vienna. fotodienst.at

Poetry slam at the end of the tolerance talks

(2022-03-06 18:30)  The European Tolerance Talks 2022 ended on Friday evening with the traditional Poetry Slam. Under the motto “The Birth of Poetry. Changeable leaking – fabulously beautiful: How does the new come into the world?” nine young poets competed in the competition. The winning text was performed by Katharina Wenty from Vienna. fotodienst.at


Economic forum on Chaos and Order in Transition

(2022-03-06 09:00)  The Economic Forum of the European Tolerance Talks 2022 in Fresach began on Friday with a lecture by Ina Schmidt on the topic “How does order come into chaos? How do we find the right path in the wide range of possibilities”, followed by a humorous conversation between Sonja Sagmeister and brain researcher Hans-Georg Häusel. In the afternoon, two panels on the subject of system change and the Carinthian metropolitan region were on the program, with Governor Peter Kaiser on the podium. fotodienst.at

Tolerance Award 2022 for Sieglinde Rosenberger

(2022-02-06 19:30)  The Viennese political scientist and integration researcher Sieglinde Rosenberger (65) was awarded the European Tolerance Prize for Democracy and Human Rights by the City of Villach in Fresach on Thursday evening. According to the jury, Rosenberger had sensitized generations of students to political participation, diversity and inclusion. fotodienst.at


European Forum on Democracy and the Ukraine War

(2022-02-06 11:00)  The Europe Forum of the European Tolerance Talks on June 2, 2022 consisted of three panels. The first round of discussions dealt with the topic “Promised Land | Closed Society? Therapies for Democracy” with Sieglinde Rosenberger and Wolfgang Müller-Funk. In the second panel, the shattered neighborly relationship with Russia and China was on the agenda: “Foreign neighbors | True friends? – New concepts for international politics”. fotodienst.at

Opening Speach 2022 with Robert Menasse

(2022-02-06 09:00)  In Fresach the European Tolerance Talks 2022 were opened with an exciting speech by reknowned author Robert Menasse. The in-depth analysis came to the conclusion that although the European Union is “continuing to develop”, the nationalisms fueling the conflict are apparently insurmountable. Other panels dealt with the development of democracy in Europe, the current Ukraine war and the responses of religions to the increasing alienation of people from institutions. fotodienst.at


Tourism Forum 2022 on Change of Generations

(2022-01-06 09:00)  The International Tourism Forum Villach marked the start of the European Tolerance Talks in Carinthia on Wednesday. The general topic “CHANGE – How does the new get into the system?” was discussed in four discussion panels, dealt with: climate change, generational change, change of mind and system change – the need for action in the travel industry is great. Among others with climate researcher Georg Kaser, evolutionary biologist Elisabeth Oberzaucher, travel philosopher Peter Vollbrecht and tourism ethicist Claudia Brözel. fotodienst.at

Annual Preview Programm 2022 in Vienna

(2022-03-10 18:30)  At the program presentation of the European Tolerance Talks 2022 in the Club Carinthia of the Oberbank Vienna on Wednesday evening, the discussants agreed that the war of aggression in Ukraine would lead to a complete reorganization of Europe, if not the global security order. The panel was opened by the cybernetician Maria Pruckner, who – following her scientific findings – predicted that war events would accelerate until they collapse.fotodienst.at

Tolerance Talks 2022: Presentation in Klagenfurt

(2022-02-23 13:00)  On the occasion of its annual general meeting in Klagenfurt, Denk.Raum.Fresach (DRF) presented the program of the European Tolerance Talks 2022 on Wednesday under the title: “CHANGE – How does the new get into the system?” At the subsequent press briefing, the President of the Landtag, Reinhart Rohr, announced an increase in funding for the event, which will take place in Villach and Fresach from June 1st to 4th.fotodienst.at

Poetry slam closes Tolerance Talks 2021 in Fresach

(2021-05-21 20:00)  The end of the European Tolerance Talks 2021 in Fresach was marked by the traditional Poetry Slam on Friday evening. The poet contest dealt with the question of why one should get excited or even think about fairness, when it is clear anyway that nothing is fixed. Ten poetry artists faced the audience jury again this year. The moderation was carried out by Lukas Hofbauer and Carmen Kassekert from “Slam if You can!” fotodienst.at

Part II of the economic forum in Fresach

(2021-05-21 14:00)  The economic forum in Fresach continued on Friday afternoon in Fresach with a lecture “Thinking the future differently” by futurologist Max Thinius and a panel discussion on “Digital Villages” with Mariella Schurz and Franz Nahrada. Following this, composer and philosopher Rainer Bischof used “symphonic wisdom” to show how managers can encourage people. Then the discussion turned to leadership & fairness in the crisis: What is important? fotodienst.at

Presentation “Fairness Formula” and “Globalization Compass”

(2021-05-21 09:00) The mathematical “fairness formula” and the “globalization compass” of the Austrian Chamber of Labor were presented on Friday morning at the Economic Forum in Fresach. ORF journalist Sonja Sagmeister also talked with former Nestlé Chairman of the Board, Peter Brabeck-Letmathe, about how a multinational company deals with the universal issue of fairness. fotodienst.at

Tolerance Award Ceremony at the PEN Forum Fresach

(2021-05-20 19:30) As part of the PEN Forum, the European Tolerance Award of the Austrian PEN Club and the city of Villach was awarded to the well-known journalist and editor Prof. Heinz Nußbaumer on Thursday evening in Fresach. Afterwards, authors and poets from Austria and the Indian subcontinent read from their works in their national languages. fotodienst.at

European Forum on the power of language and democracy

(2021-05-20 14:00)  The tolerance talks in Fresach continued on Thursday afternoon with Lectures on the “power of language” and a conversation with the publicist Roger de Weck on his recent book “The Power of Democracy”. This was followed by a discussion with University Pastor Hans-Peter Premur, Rabbi Schlomo Hofmeister, Superintendent Manfred Sauer and Islamic researcher Fatma Akay-Türker on the subject of “Fairness and justice in Bible, Torah and Koran”. fotodienst.at

Opening of the Tolerance Talks 2021 with Seyran Ates

(2021-05-20 11:00)  At the opening of the European Tolerance Talks in Fresach, the Berlin lawyer, women’s rights activist and mosque founder Seyran Ates gave a lecture on the question: “Why fairness, why equality?” This was followed by a panel discussion on “New globalization, old nationalisms”, in which the difficulties of exercising tolerance in times of a pandemic were discussed. fotodienst.at

Table tennis exhibition with Paralympic winner

(2021-05-19 18:00)  This year’s tolerance talks were opened with a table tennis exhibition match between the multiple world champion and Paralympic winner Jochen Wollmert against Austria’s top player Krisztian Gardos at the KTTV performance center in Klagenfurt. As a surprise guest, Austria’s Olympic hope and table tennis national player Stefan Fegerl competed against Jochen Wollmert. ORF sports reporter Tono Hönigmann provided the live moderation. fotodienst.at

Toleranz Talks 2021 Program Presentation in Klagenfurt

(2021-02-25 12:00)  The European tolerance talks in Fresach from 19 to 22 May 2021 are dedicated to the topic of “Fairness – The New Globalization”. The Carinthian Governor Peter Kaiser said at the program presentation in Klagenfurt that fairness and justice are needed right now when it comes to coping with the consequences of the corona. For 2021 the organizers were able to win the Austrian Chamber of Labor as a cooperation partner. fotodienst.at

Poetry slam at the end of the 2020 Tolerance Talks

(2020-05-29 20:00)  The 6th European Tolerance Talks in the Carinthian mountain village of Fresach were concluded with the traditional poetry slam. Ten young poets competed, while Estha Sackl and Felix Erlach, who received the most applause in the voting, came to the final. It was a real liberation for everyone involved. For the first time since the lockdown a poetry slam with an audience was possible. fotodienst.at

Economic Forum of the European Tolerance Talks

(2020-05-29 10:00)  The third day of the 2020 European Tolerance Talks in Fresach was dominated by the economy and the consequences of the Covid 19 crisis. While the morning was mainly devoted to the economic and ideological foundations for a “green deal”, the afternoon was mainly about tax justice and structural changes as well as better resource planning in the agricultural sector. A panel on “Blackout: When managers fail” concluded. fotodienst.at


European Tolerance Award 2020 for Erna Pfeiffer

(2020-05-28 19:00)  After a reading by PEN authors, the European Tolerance Award 2020 of the Austrian PEN Club and the city of Villach was awarded to the Latin America expert and translator Erna Pfeiffer in Fresach on Thursday evening. Afterwards, a round of authors and publishers discussed online and offline about “Literature after Corona” and the difficulties of literary publishers to survive. fotodienst.at



Tolerance forum Thursday afternoon in Fresach

(2020-05-28 14:00) The two tolerance forums in the afternoon dealt with the topics “Departure – where and for what?” and “Leaving Europe – Strategies against Selfishness”. The focus was on institutions such as the church and the state and their task of creating meaning and benefit for people and citizens. The new bishop Josef Marketz and the head of the Viktor Frankl Institute in Tübingen were also present. fotodienst.at



Opening of the Tolerance Talks 2020 in Fresach

(2020-05-28 09:00) The European Tolerance Talks 2020 were opened on Thursday morning in the Carinthian mountain village Fresach with a keynote of the Club of Rome Honorary President Ernst Ulrich von Weizsäcker, which was activated via the Internet, and continued with the subsequent citizens’ dialogue. For the first time, tolerance talks were streamed over three recording studios in Fresach, Vienna and Bonn via the Internet, a challenge for everyone involved, as DRF Chairman Superintendent Manfred Sauer explained. fotodienst.at


Program 2020 presented in Klagenfurt

(2020-02-18 10:00)  The program of the European Tolerance Talks 2020 was presented in the Hall of Mirrors of the Carinthian state government on Tuesday morning. In the presence of President Reinhart Rohr, Superintendent Manfred Sauer and PEN President Helmuth A. Niederle, cooperation partners from education, churches and politics spoke about their contribution to the tolerance talks that will take place in Villach and Fresach from May 27-30, 2020.fotodienst.at


Club Carinthia presenting Tolerance Talks 2020

(2020-02-13 17:30)  With a press conference and a panel discussion, Club Carinthia presented a preview of the European Tolerance Talks 2020 in the Wiener Oberbank on Thursday evening. The focus was on an introductory statement by evolutionary biologist Elisabeth Oberzaucher. The human nature is highly solution-oriented and capable of overcoming the current climate crisis, but biology alone will not address it. fotodienst.at


Economic Forum discussed sale of land

(2019-06-07 10:00)  The third day of the 2019 European Tolerance Talks in the Carinthian mountain village of Fresach was opened with a presentation by Handelsblatt journalist Hans-Jürgen Jakobs on the “global balance of power” and its consequences. Afterwards, top-class experts and philosophers discussed the sale of land, the demographic changes in Europe and new opportunities with digitization and innovative technologies. fotodienst.at


Tolerance Award 2019 goes to Sonia Boumad

(2019-06-06 20:00) As part of a ceremony with readings, short stories and a jazz concert, the European Tolerance Award 2019 for Democracy and Human Rights of the Austrian PEN Club and the City of Villach was awarded on Thursday evening in the Tolerance Museum Fresach to the native Lebanese Sonia Boumad. The kindergarten teacher and author came to Austria after a shooting attack on her daughter to start a new life here. fotodienst.at


Opening of European Tolerance Talks 2019

(2019-06-06 09:00) The European Tolerance Talks 2019 were opened on Thursday in the Carinthian mountain village Fresach with a plea for an open Europe. Linguist Prof. Maurizio Bettini gave a presentation on the historical roots of European culture. This was followed by a civil dialogue about the home and its values on the Museum Square. The afternoon was also devoted to fundamental questions about the redefinition of the continent. fotodienst.at


Reception of European Tolerance Talks 2019

(2019-06-05 19:00) Celebrities from politics, economics and culture gathered Wednesday evening for the reception of Governor Peter Kaiser and Mayor Günther Albel on the occasion of the European Tolerance Talks 2019 at the Holiday Inn Villach. The President of the Board, Hannes Swoboda, and Superintendent Manfred Sauer greeted the guests with a preview of the program, this year on the topic “Home Abroad Earth, Who owns Europe?”. fotodienst.at


Tourism Forum dedicated to “Value of Home”

(2019-06-05 14:00) Austria benefits from mountains and lakes and a culture of hospitality that has been well maintained and developed over decades. But more and more people are worried about sell-outs and alienation in their own country. Experts at the International Tourism Forum Villach discussed how land and people can be gained for new concepts and how to raise awareness of the proper use of their own resources. fotodienst.at


Memorial Plaque for the “Free Word”

(2019-06-05 13:00) The city of Villach unveiled a “memorial plaque” of the Austrian PEN club to remember authors who – during the Nazi era – risked their lifes to defend freedom of the word. The unveiling at the beginning of the European Tolerance Talks 2019 on Wednesday in the Alps-Adriatic Mediatheque / Chamber of Labor at Kaiser-Josef-Platz 1 was attended by Mayor Günther Albel, PEN President Helmuth A. Niederle, President of the State Parliament Reinhard Rohr. fotodienst.at

Tolerance Talks 2019 preview in Klagenfurt

(2019-01-15 18:30) Organization team and partners of the European tolerance talks in the Carinthian mountain village Fresach presented the 5th edition of the Dialogue Forum on Tuesday in Klagenfurt. Villach City Councilor Harald Sobe, President of the Board of Trustees Hannes Swoboda, Superintendent Manfred Sauer, Psychotherapist Margarethe Prinz-Büchl and PEN Vice-President Harald Kollegger as well as Klaus Littmann from the For Forest office were present.fotodienst.at


Tolerance Talks 2019 program presented in Vienna

(2019-01-15 18:30) Manfred Sauer, Superintendent of the Protestant Church of Carinthia and East Tyrol and chairman of the Carinthian think tank “Denk.Raum.Fresach”, presented opportunities and perspectives for rural areas in Vienna on Tuesday evening in view of more varied demographic and social challenges. The occasion was a preview of the European Tolerance Talks (ETG) from 5 to 8 June in Carinthia, which in 2019 are dedicated to the topic “Home Abroad Earth – Who owns Europe?”fotodienst.at


192112Tolerance Talks discussing European Turn-around

(2018-05-18 09:00) The European Tolerance Talks 2018 were continued with the Founders’ Day on 18th May. German TV presenter and author Franz Alt opened with a presentation on the necessary energy transition to avert the ecological catastrophe worldwide. Afterwards experts discussed about the departure on the continent, i.a. National Bank President Claus Raidl. The afternoon was devoted to the “traveling in paradise” e.g. with bestselling author Gerhard Schweizer and the “digitization of leisure” e.g. by PEN Vice President Harald Kollegger.fotodienst.at

192104100 Years of Republic: Festival of Tolerance

(2018-05-17 20:00) At the end of the first day of the European Tolerance Talks in Fresach (Carinthia), authors of the writers’ association PEN-Club Austria performed the 100th anniversary of the Republic with contemporary literature. After that, the Austrian-Romanian jazz pianist Adrian Gaspar delivered a gipsy jam session. The highlight on Friday evening was the already traditional Young Poetry Slam. The poet competition of the young talents performed this year on the theme “My Paradise”. fotodienst.at


192023Tolerance Award 2018 for Dogan Akhanli

(2018-05-17 09:30) The Turkish author Dogan Akhanli, who lives in Cologne, was honored with the European Tolerance Award for Democracy and Human Rights of the Austrian PEN Club and the City of Villach on Thursday. Previously, Akhanli gave the opening speech. The award-winner spoked about the importance of remembering and reappraising historical crimes for democracies. Afterwards, the lecturers met on the Museum Square for the Citizens Dialogue. fotodienst.at

Tolerance Talks Reception in Villach

(2018-05-16 19:00) The reception of the Carinthian Governor to welcome the guests to the European Tolerance Talks 2018 took place in the presence of numerous celebrities from politics, business and culture. Among the guests were Villach’s Mayor Günther Albel, President of the Board of Trustees Hannes Swoboda, Superintentent Manfred Sauer, President of the State Parliament Reinhart Rohr and the Vice President of the Austrian writers’ association PenClub. fotodienst.at

191846Tourism Talks to the Limits of Growth

(2018-05-16 09:00)  The first Tourism Forum in the framework of the Tolerance Talks was dedicated to the “Limits of Growth” and the “Overcoming Gravity – How to Travel Tomorrow”. It was opened with a keynote by the Hamburg trend researcher Birgit Gebhardt, who talked about the virtual worlds and the rediscovery of “touching”. The Salzburg tourism researcher Kurt Robert Luger spoke about the destructive effects of misguided tourist flows. fotodienst.at


191791Love-Tour ’18 against Violence in Schools

(2018-05-16 09:00) The European Tolerance Talks 2018 were opened with more than 250 pupils and teachers in Villach to celebrate the highlight of the annual focus “Against Mobbing and Violence in Schools”. The Love-Tour ’18 was a joint project of the Denk.Raum.Fresach with the Viktor Frankl University Klagenfurt, the Provincial School Board for Carinthia and the State Youth Office. Speakers were EU Youth Ambassador Ali Mahlodji, net activist Ingrid Brodnig, logotherapist Jutta Clarke and physicist and magician Philipp Wehrli. fotodienst.at


189807Preview European Tolerance Talks 2018 in Klagenfurt

(2018-01-25 17:00) Successful preview of the European Tolerance Talks 2018 in Klagenfurt with Villach’s Mayor Günther Albel, Provincial Councilor Rolf Holub and the President of the Board, Hannes Swoboda, as well as Villach Tourism CEO Georg Overs, Marlies Krainz-Dürr of Pedagogic Faculty Carinthia, Claudia Mischensky (Industrial Chamber) and Superintendent Manfred Sauer. fotodienst.at



European Tolerance Talks Preview 2018 in Vienna

(2018-01-18 18:00) The European Tolerance Talks program 2018 was presented on Thursday in Vienna. After a press conference, Hannes Swoboda (President of the Board), Helmuth A. Niederle (PEN Club Austria), Harald Hafner (Travel Industry Club), Michael Zinganel (architectural theorist) and psychotherapist Margaretha Prinz-Büchl discussed Mobility and Migration in the Alps-Adriatic region. fotodienst.at


Poetry Slam Fresach – The Finals

(2017-06-03 12:00) At the end of the European Tolerance Talks in 2017, the traditional Young Poetry Slam was held on Saturday at the Tolerance Museum Fresach. Under the motto “agony of freedom, freedom of choice, passing by”, ten young poets competed for the verbal contest. German slammer Daniel Wagner opened with a text on the “cheese fascists against the salamisation of the evening bread”. fotodienst.at


Business Women Day at the Tolerance Talks in Fresach

(2017-06-02 15:00) The second day of European tolerance talks in Fresach was marked by freedom in the economy, free trade, free markets and freedom of enterprise. Within the framework of the Entrepreneurship Day, Vice-President Sylvia Gstättner, Infineon CEO Sabine Herlitschka, Demograph Elisabeth Gruber, the social entrepreneurs Ingun Kluppenegger and Julia Petschnig and the beauty entrepreneur Katia Wagner, who became known as “Waxing Lady”, spoke about their experience. fotodienst.at

187466Opening of the 3rd European Tolerance Talks in Villach

(2017-06-01 15:00) “Presse” columnist Anneliese Rohrer opened the Tolerance Talks in Fresach with a keynote on the importance of freedom for Western democracy and the dangers of autocratic tendencies and pre-eminence. Through panel discussions, workshops and discussions, experts and citizens of civil society dealt with the dimensions of political, religious and social freedom. What remains of the Reformation? Does freedom need democracy? And what impact has the policy of turkish president Erdogan were some of the issues controversially discussed in Fresach. fotodienst.at

187389Reception of Poets in Villach

(2017-05-31 19:00) On Wednesday evening, the Carinthian gouvernor Peter Kaiser invited the visitors of the European Tolerance Talks 2017 to a reception in Villach. Among the guests at the Congress Center Villach were numerous authors, scientists and economists as well as prominent politicians and business leaders. Villach’s mayor, Günther Albel, as well as the regional leader stressed the significance of the event for Carinthia, Austria and beyond the borders. Afterwards the Franzobel play “Ich, Zarah” was given on a Drau shipping. fotodienst.at

187361Tour de Liberté with pupils at Congress Center Villach

(2017-05-31 15:00) About 200 pupils from all over Carinthia have discussed the future of freedom together with experts from science, journalism and politics in the Congress Center Villach. The “Tour de Liberté” dealt with the question of how to resist attempts to limit freedom of opinion, freedom of expression and freedom of choice. Similarly, the impact of social media on democratic processes and the role of artificial intelligence, computer surveillance, and political abstinence were illuminated. fotodienst.at

Movie Premiere “Dil Leyla” at Stadtkino

(2017-05-30 19:00) The European Tolerance Talks 2017 were opened on Tuesday evening in Villach with a movie premiere in the Stadtkino. The film about the fate of a Kurdish mayor (Dil Leyla) marks the starting point of a discussion series on the future of freedom and the question. 50 top thinkers, scientists and entrepreneurs will be taking part in Villach and Fresach on five days. fotodienst.at


Press conference on Citizens Dialogue 2017 in Klagenfurt

(2017-01-24 18:00) “The future of freedom and the consequences of globalization” are at the main topic of the European tolerance talks, which take place for the third time in the Carinthian mountain village of Fresach. New this year are dialogue events and theatre and cinema premieres in the city of Villach, which is one of the most important supporters of tolerance talks. Denk.Raum.Fresach invited to a program presentation in the mirror hall of the Carinthian provincial government in Klagenfurt. fotodienst.at


Press briefing: European tolerance talks 2017 in Vienna

(2017-01-18 18:00) “Does Freedom need Democracy?” This was the title of a preview to the 2017 European tolerance talks in Vienna with “Presse”-columnist Anneliese Rohrer, who has already provided provocative statements on the subject with her book “Ende des Obsteams”. It is convinced that in the Western democracies every day we have to struggle for something new, and every one, for freedom and democracy. fotodienst.at


Mit einem Poetry Slam wurden die Europäischen Toleranzgespräche 2016 am Samstag beendet. Den Tagessieg holten sich Patricia Radda, Estha Sackl und Tara Meister. Höhepunkt war ein Gastauftritt von Community Organizer Stephen Bradberry, der sich ebenfalls der strengen Publikumsjury stellte. Poetry Slam at the close of the European tolerance talks

(2016-05-14 10:00) The European tolerance talks were completed on Saturday wit a poetry slam. Ten young poets met under the motto “Exclude, Refinement, circumscribe. 5 minutes to the border. 5 minutes without borders”. Estha Sackl, Patricia Radda and Tara  have won the poet contest. The highlight was a guest appearance by Community Organizer Stephen Bradberry. fotodienst.at

Höhepunkt der Europäischen Toleranzgespräche 2016 in der evangelischen Kirche von Fresach. Thomas Maurer tritt mit seinem Kabarettprogramm

The “Tolerator” Thomas Maurer in Fresach

(2016-05-13 20:00) The appearence of actor and author Thomas Maurer with his cabaret program was one of the highlights of the European tolerance talks 2016. He performed “The Tolerator” in the Protestant church Fresach on Friday. The motto “Tolerance is not only an acknowledged virtue, but also an exciting and inexpensive hobby” delighted nearly 200 visitors. fotodienst.at


Stephen Bradberry, Community Organizer aus New Orleans

Integration day at the European tolerance talks

(2016-05-13 17:00) The third day of the European tolerance talks 2016 in the Carinthian mountain village Fresach was devoted to the practical integration of refugees and migrants. There was a keynote about “old boundaries, new trenches” with editor Claus Reitan, a presentation by Stephen Bradberry and following several strategy rounds with authors, industry scientists and politicians. An artistic performance of Gerhard Leeb and a fortunate workshop of Právu Mazumdar were other highlights. fotodienst.at

Karl Ferdinand Kratzl, Schauspieler und Kabarettist

Karl Ferdinand Kratzl: Speech to the nation

(2016-05-12 21:00)  Karl Ferdinand Kratzl enriched the European tolerance talks in 2016 on Thursday evening with a “speech to the nation”. Following this, the jazz pianist Karen Asatrian was an ethno-concert entitled “Echoes from Armenia”. fotodienst.at



The afternoon panels inDer erste Nachmittag der Europäischen Toleranzgespräche 2016 im Kärntner Bergdorf Fresach war den Folgen und Kosten des Klimawandels gewidmet. Fresach 2016

(2016-05-12 17:00) The first afternoon of the European tolerance talks in 2016 was under the motto “What does climate change?” Experts discussed environmental and economic costs resulting from globalization and global warming. Moreover, strategies were discussed against the migration of peoples and the limits of what is reasonable. A workshop on “experience of pain and pain disability” with  Harald Kollegger was one of the highlights. fotodienst.at


Prof. Klaus Töpfer, UNDP-Exekutivdirektor a.D.Töpfer: “Passing on of costs has consequences”

(2016-05-12 13:00)  The European tolerance talks were opended Thursday morning in the Carinthian mountain village Fresach. After an opening statement by Governor Peter Kaiser and EU Parliament President Martin Schulz (video message), the former Executive Director of the United Nations Environment Programme, former Federal Minister Prof. Klaus Töpfer delivered the opening speech to the general issue “The borders of Europe – human rights and the consequences of climate change”. Later on high-profile scientists and politicians discussed the consequences of globalization and the increasing flow of refugees. fotodienst.at


US-Senator MaZum Auftakt der Europäischen Toleranzgespräche 2016 lud der Kärntner Landeshauptmann Peter Kaiser die Teilnehmer zu einem Empfang ins Parkhotel Villach. Im Bild: US-Senator Marc R. Pacheco hielt eine vielbeachtete Rede.rc R. Pacheco opens the European tolerance talks

(2016-05-11 19:00) The Carinthian Governor Peter Kaiser and Villach Mayor Günther Albel invited the participants of the second European tolerance talks in 2016 on Wednesday evening to the former Park Hotel Villach. Authors and scientists from over 30 countries in Europe, Africa and Asia were attending. US Senator Marc R. Pacheco (Massachusetts) gave a preview of his for Thursday afternoon planned lecture on “Climate Reality Project”. He praised the tolerance conversations as unique initiative. The organizers from Denk.Raum.Fresach expect about 350 people to the three days of talks in the Carinthian mountain village Fresach. fotodienst.at


Fresach Pressefoto-Programm-2016preview Tolerance Talks 2016

(2016-01-19 18:00:50)The organizers of the European tolerance talks on tuesday presented their program 2016 in the Hall of Mirrors of the Carinthian Government. “The borders of Europe – Human Rights and the Consequences of Climate Change” are in the focus of the Dialogue Forum which takes place from 11 to 14 May 2016 in the Carinthian mountain village Fresach. “More than 50 poets and philosophers, scientists and economists take part in the event”, Fresach-President Hannes Swoboda informed

Pressefoto-Programm-2016Fresach Presentation 2016 in Vienna

(2015-11-03) “The borders of Europe – human rights and the consequences of climate change” are the focus of the European tolerance talks that take place from 11 to 14 May 2016 in the Carinthian mountain village Fresach. The program and the selected speakers were presented on 3 November 2015 at the BKS Bank in Vienna. The big tolerance event ist again organized by Think.Tank.Fresach, PEN-Club Austria and Club Carinthia.

 Queen of Pan Flute enchanted Fresach

Queen of Pan Flute enchanted Fresach

(2015-07-02) The Queen of Pan Flute, Daniela dé Santos, appeared on stage in Fresach for the first time on July 2. The native of Augsburg with Spanish roots plays flute since she was 5 years and is famous for her concerts with songs like “The Lonely Shepherd” (Gheorghe Zamfir), “Once Upon a Time in America” (Ennio Morricone) or “El Condor Pasa” (Simon & Garfunkel). On stage were also the jazz musicians Tonc Feinig and Klaus Lippitsch, the Latin Band and the choir of the music school Feistritz and the BORG/Drava.

European tolerance talks: The music program

European tolerance talks: The music program

(2015-05-22 | Fresach ) Not only the authors, also the music program at the European tolerance talks was on a high level. The Syrian Bouzouk player and movie composer Salah Ammo took the guests into the winding alleys of the Orient, the famous pianist Konstantin Wladigeroff presented songs from his latest album “Dreaming of Dreams”.

Young Poetry Slam in Fresach

Young Poetry Slam in Fresach

(2015-05-23 | Fresach ) The European tolerance talks 2015 in Fresach ended with a literary contest. As part of a poetry slam worried young poets performed high quality texts on “Five minutes tolerance. How far does the patience go?”. It was the creative culmination of the event.


Tolerance Talks: Dialogue in Fresach

Tolerance Talks: Dialogue in Fresach

(2015-05-22 | Fresach ) “What we need is a strong and active tolerance. We need a lively interest, sympathy and recognition of otherness,” Bishop Michael Bunker, the head of the Evangelical Church, said in his introduction to the European tolerance talks in Fresach. With his statement Bünker led the guests in a panel discussion entitled “modernity, human rights and Islam.”

Opening of European tolerance talks in Fresach

Opening of European tolerance talks in Fresach

(2015-05-22 | Fresach ) “Only if we call ourselves into question, we can better understand other opinions. Tolerance as an expression of respect is a principle of life and at the same time a strong commitment to humanism,” said Federal President Heinz Fischer at the opening of European tolerance talks 2015 in Fresach/Carinthia.

European tolerance talks 2015: Reception in Villach

European tolerance talks 2015: Reception in Villach

(2015-05-21 | Villach ) Federal President Heinz Fischer opened the European tolerance talks on May 21, 2015 with a reception in Villach. Think.Tank.Fresach is the host of the three-day event in Carinthia, an independent association for tolerance and integration in Europe. Governor Peter Kaiser and Villach’s Mayor Günther Albel welcomed 20 thinkers, philosophers and scientists.

Brussels supports European Tolerance Talks

Brussels supports European Tolerance Talks

(2015-04-16 |  Brussels ) Austrian MEPs Eugen Freund (S&D) and Othmar Karas (EPP) are fully behind the European Tolerance Talks, to be held from 21 to 23 May 2015 in the Carinthian mountain village of Fresach. In a joint press conference with Governor Peter Kaiser of Carinthia and Denk.Raum.Fresach-Spokesman Wilfried Seywald the two MEPs stated that the new forum for dialogue on tolerance and integration is an important and unique initiative for Europe and the Alps-Adriatic region.

Dialog for Europe

Dialogue for Europe: Presentation of the Program

(2015-03-18 | Vienna ) The program of the European tolerance talks in 2015 was unveiled on Wednesday in Vienna. More than 20 thinkers, philosophers, writers, scientists and economists will discuss their theories and visions of a better world, from 21 to 23 May 2015 in the Carinthian mountain village Fresach. The press conference was attended by the Protestant Bishop Michael Bünker, the President of the Board of Trustees Denk.Raum.Fresach, Hannes Swoboda, PEN Club Austria President Helmuth A. Niederle and Alexander Loisel, Club Carinthia. Tickets can already be booked right now. fresach.org/en/registration/


Presentation of European tolerance talks 2015

(2015-01-22 | Klagenfurt) The new dialogue platform DENK.RAUM.FRESACH is going to organize the first European tolerance talks on 22nd and 23rd May 2015 in Fresach/Carinthia, with the support of recognized international thinkers, politicians and economists. The former deputy to the European Parliament, Hannes Swoboda, today presented the program as President of the Board of Trustees fotodienst.at


Denk.Raum.Fresach: First meeting of the Board

(2014-11-06 | Villach) At their first meeting on Nov. 6th, 2014 in Villach the Board members of Denk.Raum.Fresach have, inter alia, talked about their personal motivation to contribute to the European tolerance talks 2015. President Swoboda: “There is no other approach to migration and violence than dialogue. Dialogue to overcome distance and exclusion. It needs more voices for tolerance and integration, in politics and in the media. fotodienst.at

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