Category: Zwischen DE

Tolerance Award 2024 for Radka Denemarková

The Czech author and translator Radka Denemarková (56) accepted the European Tolerance Prize for Democracy and Human Rights from the city of Villach on Thursday evening. According to the jury, Denemarková knows how to weave a wide variety of characters and anecdotes into an imaginative literary tapestry like no other political writer. Her uncompromising commitment
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Valentin Wedl’s theses on a fair Globalization

In the run-up to the European Tolerance Talks 2021 in the Carinthian mountain village Fresach, the globalization expert of the Vienna Chamber of Labor, Valentin Wedl, initiated a political discussion about rethinking globalization and redesigning it so that it not only brings advantages for the large corporations and export markets, but becomes “fair for everyone”.
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