Tag Archives: Europe

Big celebration: European State Prize for Fresach

Big surprise: We won the Austrian European State Prize 2024 in the “Europe in the Community” category with the European Tolerance Talks! Fresach-Mayor Gerhard Altziebler and the Denk.Raum.Fresach (DRF) team accepted the award from European Minister Karoline Edtstadler in Vienna on Tuesday. “For us, this is a special recognition,” said Wilfried Seywald from the Denkwerkstatt.
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War forces Change in Democracy

“The change in our society is currently not coming from democratic-political movements, but from autocrats, war and the pandemic. This presents our democracy with major challenges that we can only master if we overcome the polarization of the population and learn to make compromises again.” Political scientist Sieglinde Rosenberger came to this conclusion during the
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European Tolerance Award for Sieglinde Rosenberger

The Viennese political scientist and integration researcher Sieglinde Rosenberger was awarded the European Tolerance Prize for Democracy and Human Rights by the City of Villach in Fresach on Thursday evening. According to the jury, Rosenberger had sensitized generations of students to political participation, diversity and inclusion. Sieglinde Rosenberger researches and teaches at the University of
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